Sunday, November 25, 2012

20 Questions With EMMA MAYE

Sunday November 25th at The Standard (click above link for more details)

What can I say to you about EMMA MAYE?  Other than she is one of THE MOST incredible, indomitable, beautiful, passionate, fierce, gentle, formidable, warm, hot, cool, crazy, brilliant, diligent women you will ever hope to meet.  She is a fighter, a lover, a destroyer, a builder.

Emma IS a FORCE of nature.  Emma is also the mother of 3 of our STAR DESTROYERS... Iris Mayhem, Betty Grumble and Vinnie Bradley.
3 seemingly disparate characters but in actual fact... ALL are conveyors of the same message.  THIS IS MY BODY.  And all are creations of a brilliant, beautiful mind.

Emma Maye | image by Dusk Devi Vision | All Rights Reserved 2012
"This is my body and I am Everyone and I am Me." | image by Dusk Devi Vision 2012
E M M A   M A Y E !

1. What’s your breakfast of champions? 
Green tea, sunshine, ocean and that fighting forward feeling.

2. Do you have a pre performance ritual? 
Chanting my mantra, getting excited and embracing the nerves.

3. What inspires you? 
Strong women and resilient bodies.

4. What’s your last passport stamp? 
UK, after taking my performance experiments on a UK tour of London & The Edinburgh Fringe.

5. Time travel; where, when and why? 
Front lines of the Women's Lib movements of the 1960s-70s, to feel the danger, the power and to share that solidarity with the movement today.

6. The book that shook you up was...? 
ANGRY WOMEN, a wonderful book full of interviews with amazing female performance artists.

7. What’s your biggest indulgence? 
Pink champagne!

8. What do you want to be remembered for? 
My voice & my body.

9. Any fictional character most like you?
Titania Queen Of The Faeries.

10. Who would play you in a movie of your life?
John Malcovich 

11. We all know you’re mega talented but what’s your HIDDEN talent? 
Animal helper and healer.

12. A dinner party of 8; you and…? 
7 of my current comrades. Because we are the future.

13. What’s your power colour? 

14. Swings or slides? 

15. The creative masterpiece (book/film/song/painting/photograph/etc) you wish you had created? 
Currently, Annie Sprinkle's Goddess Pose.

16. If you led the country you would...?
Heal, challenge & create new ways of being.

17. Sex is… A right.

18. Equality means... We move forward.

19. Women and Men are....Only tiny specks of stardust in the scheme of things. 

20. How do you DESTROY THE JOINT? 
By becoming the Joint.


Questions With Iris Mayhem

Sunday November 25th at The Standard (click above link for more details)

This STAR DESTROYER... is a Goddess and creation... IRIS MAYHEM is...

"...a Messenger, a Rainbow, a Shaking Limb.  Conjurer, Dancer and Shamanic Priestess."

I R I S  M A Y H E M  !

"I offer immersive performance rituals that harness the power of the spiritual body as it has manifested over a myriad of histories, arts and cultures.
I am a rainbow warrior exploring transcendental movement, magic and the forceful worship of the Earth. 

I desire solidarity in celebrating the power of the woman body and with the stomp of my feet, slap of my hand demand a united movement forward."

Sex is… A creator.

Equality means…My movement means as much as yours.

Women and Men are....Capable of great and terrible things.

By becoming the Joint.




Saturday, November 24, 2012

20 Questions With RITA FONTAINE

Sunday November 25th at The Standard (click above link for more details)


She describes herself as "Mistress of Ceremonies, Storyteller, Comedian and Satirist" but she's also a renowned burlesque artist, her career going from strength to strength since she won the inaugural Miss Burlesque Australia in 2010, as a wildcard choice. 

"Rita Fontaine is .... a red headed vamp with dangerous curves, Rita Fontaine is the meanest fox in town. She has 'gypsy' in her blood and she knows to use it. 
Rita's acts vary from drag, comedy and dance. Rita is renowned for her social commentary in a comical depiction of Julia Gillard's conquering of Kevin Rudd and rise to power. She is also known for her hot blooded prowess and lush glamour, performances of depth with smoldering moves."

The meanest fox in town...

R I T A  F O N T A I N E  !

1. What’s your breakfast of champions?
Mitt Ronney's head on a plate ... mmm… chilled monkey brains 

2. Do you have a pre performance ritual?
I prefer to get there really early and walk through my act on stage. Otherwise i get vertigo during the performance. Then I take my time to do hair and makeup and catch up with the others. 
...but right before my act, I take time out in a corner to give thanks for the opportunity and to draw on the energies around me to focus and deliver my message with passion. 

3. What inspires you?
Sometimes a funny joke or a sexy song… but I do get a great kick out of political satire. There aren't often events on politics, which inspire me to take action, but when this does happen, I relish the opportunity and the audience reaction is the best part. 

4. What’s your last passport stamp?
Paris - My prize for winning Miss Burlesque Aus.

5. Time travel; where, when and why?
I often fantasise, while I am sewing costumes, about falling into a time-warp and coming out in the 16th Century and what I would do to survive… I imagine I would find work in costuming, contributing my technologies to the craft and learning ancient skills. 

6. The book that shook you up was...?
‘And the Ass Saw The Angel’ by Nick Cave. 
I read it in high school ... a very Christian high school. It was such a dirty secret enlightenment to read such sordid and revealing truths about dogma vs sin and how the worst sinners were actually the least expected people.
It made me understand that things are not always what they seem and how fear is a tool for control. My Education provider was not so bad as the characters in this novel of course. But it allowed me to begin questioning everything I was told. 

7. What’s your biggest indulgence?
Chocolate. a cliché I'm aware... but I often eat it for breakfast. 

8. What do you want to be remembered for?
It is important to me to inspire passion and feeling in people. Being on stage allows me to communicate my beliefs.  
But I also work as a carer with people with disability and it's nice to be remembered as the funny lady, or the lady who sang to someone when they were sad. Which fulfills the first point.    

9. Any fictional character most like you?
These aren't all fictional but I get crossed with Pippy Longstocking, Pollyanna and Woody Allen a lot. 

10. Who would play you in a movie of your life?
My best friend Thomas does a pretty good impression of me. 
It involves being the Little Mermaid and Joan Crawford at the same time. I think he should play the part. 

A cross between The Little Mermaid and Joan Crawford | image by Thom Kerr

11. We all know you’re mega talented but what’s your HIDDEN talent?
Sometimes at parties I do a Janis Joplin Impression.. I can also mime sewing my lips together.

12. A dinner party of 8; you and…?
Jeanie Little, Wesley Snipes in a Santa suit, President Obama, Julia Gillard, Mika, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Shania Twain.

13. What’s your power colour?

14. Swings or slides?

15. The creative masterpiece (book/film/song/painting/photograph/etc) you wish you had created?
J.W. Waterhouse's paintings. 
These portray women in the most sensual and strong and beautiful way. He also explores witchcraft and Pagan stories, and mythological women. 

16. If you led the country you would...?
Well... there needs to be more explanation for the public regarding the mining taxes and the results of Fracking. 
I worked for Greenpeace for a little while a year ago and have many friends with pro tax and anti frack opinions. But then My father is a Geologist in mineral exploration who has worked in these fields for 35 years. He argues so many good points the other way. 
He feels that the facts are being covered up and that real science is being ignored. Now truth is that he makes a living off feeling this way but his passion shows real frustrations that the public are fed slogans. 

I feel that there needs to be clearer and obvious forums and fact finders for the general public to make educated choices. Sure the information is all out there but what is truth and what is false? How does the average person know the difference? 
There are good and bad outcomes for all of these things. That's politics. You can't make everyone happy all the time but you should put forward the pros and cons so that everyone can feel involved in understanding the hard calls. 

17. Sex is…
Something that young men and women should be taught how to enjoy in high school. Not just the condom on the banana or the 'just say no' policy that I was taught. 

Sex education should teach people how to make to most of it. Current ignorant sex-ed leaves teenagers fumbling in the dark and embarrassed and afraid of themselves and each other. We also ought to abolish attitudes that 'boys will be boys” that puts the fear and the responsibility onto the young women. 
Young women should also be taught how to have orgasms… If they haven't already worked it out. 

18. Equality means…
Being assessed and promoted on your hard work and your skills. Regardless of who you are. 

19. Women and Men are....
Both hindered by sexism. Whilst misogyny puts social binds on women, men also suffer from disenchantment in themselves and a pressure to perform in certain ways to achieve respect from their peers. 

20. How do you DESTROY THE JOINT?
I destroy the joint by speaking openly about sex and the adventures that I have had. I continue to stand by my beliefs that sex should not be such a taboo... especially between men and women. Sometimes I feel that this is a redundant exercise. But then younger women around me and often guys I meet feel great relief that they are not alone and say hey... me too! And it was fun! 

If the joint is destroyed and all of the walls come down. We might all see each other as we are…  A whole bunch of people who just want love and to get along.  People do terrible things to each other in the name of love and sex. 
I'm not saying 'free love'.  I’m saying that we shouldn't have to hide who we are... be it open or monogamous or kinky or not... Isolation is the worst thing we can do. Destroy the walls that hold up the joint. 



Friday, November 23, 2012

20 Questions With Diesel Darling

Sunday November 25th at The Standard (click above link for more details)

This next STAR DESTROYER is a powerhouse!  A new addition the Destroyer line-up... DIESEL DARLING " a snake charmer, keeper of the flames, vertical gymnast, remover of clothes, legs of your dreams.
A trained actor, dancer and jeweller, this little Darling combines all of her talents to visually assault the senses with her conceptual attacks on acceptable behaviour."

DIESEL DARLING is also the creator of GlamRock Burlesque and the handler of Danger*...

Diesel handles Danger aka Claudia her snake.

1. What’s your breakfast of champions?
Muesli with fresh fruit and a cup of tea 

 2. Do you have a pre performance ritual?
Stress? I indulge waaaaaay too much time on hair and make up but its my zen place and I get carried away until I realise I’m gunna miss my curtain call! 

 3. What inspires you?
Things I don’t know, things people think are 'too hard', things just outside the acceptable cusp of 'normality' 

 4. What’s your last passport stamp? How was it?
Hmmm I was in the USA for two years but I have an American passport so there is technically no stamp on it.
On the Aussie it’s a stamp for Amsterdam... I broke my leg there, jumping off the back of a bike that was ‘dinking’ me around the city. I stereotypically ended up in emergency in Amsterdam and was awarded a knee high cast for my efforts.
 My friend helped me cut it off a week later and I hobbled around Europe for 3 more weeks ignoring the pain and the thought of irrevocable damage.
By the time I got back to the USA I was forced to wear an air-boot cast, which I also promptly removed to climb a 6 story flower tower at burning man... I’m still able to rock the socks out of 6inch heels so it was well worth it I think.

 5. Time travel; where, when and why?
I think I’d rather be able to stop time than time travel... I’m perpetually late!

6. What’s your biggest indulgence?
Shiny shit; jewellery, fabric, costumes, glitter. Also it’s possible that alcohol belongs on this list...

 7. What do you want to be remembered for?
Being different. In Sydney this is hard but I’m from Broken Hill, and what I’m doing right now is very 'different'. Being fearless.

 8. Any fictional character most like you?
Hmm, I’ve never thought about this... [but I] put this one to my friends [and it was] a tie between Jessica Rabbit and Pheobe from ‘Friends’.
(also in the favourable mentions was Joey from ‘Friends’.)

 9. Who would play you in a movie of your life?
Hopefully me ha ha! But perchance I was dead...

 10. We all know you’re mega talented but what’s your HIDDEN talent?
I can wiggle (and I don’t mean flare, although I got that down too) my nose really really fast, sounds weird, looks weirder...

 11. A dinner party of 8; you and…?
I think you are looking for celebs here but aside from the guy who says "my name is Inigo Montoya you killed my father, prepare to die" in ‘The Princess Bride’, it would be my family and my closest friends. We are spread near and far and never together enough.

 12. What’s your power colour?

 13. Swings or slides?

 14. Sex is… What is this 'sex' you speak of??

 15. Equality means… The freedom to be exactly who i want to be. I wish this could extend to the greater world. I appreciate immensely the opportunities I have. We are not all so fortunate.

 16. How do you DESTROY THE JOINT?
One article of clothing at a time




20 Questions With BETTY GRUMBLE

Sunday November 25th at The Standard (click above link for more details)

Now THIS STAR DESTROYER is, without a shadow of a doubt... most unique.  Ladies and gentleman and everyone beyond, between and below... I give you, the one, the only, oh grrrrl is she the only... BETTY GRUMBLE!!!

"Betty is a Sydney-based former child pageant star, beauty queen and burlesque heroine and is, in all her camp ironic splendour, setting her sights on world domination."

To watch Betty perform is to see the world through the eyes of a feminist performance artist... an artist who uses her formidable brain, her powerful body and her high priestess soul to drive a change.  BETTY GRUMBLE is her gift to you. 

Betty Grumble | Image by Dusk Devi Vision 2012 | All Rights Reserve

B E T T Y  G R U M B L E  ! !

1. what’s your breakfast of champions?
Well I CAN’T hardly eat anything if I’m going to be a supermodel? Glitter flakes?

2. Do you have a pre performance ritual?
Looking at myself in the mirror and blowing kisses, that is, if I’m not being bombarded by the fans and paparazzo!

3. What inspires you?
I’m going to have to say the obvious answer and that is obviously myself. 
I am a constant source of inspiration but I also get influence from the bourgeois masses and horror of mainstream culture. Ha Ha! Parasite Kilton is always on trend.

4. what’s your last passport stamp?
London, where I met the queen and started my whirlwind UK tour!

5. Time travel; where, when and why?
30seconds into the future so I can see how hot I look.

6. the book that shook you up was...?
The Bible.

7. what’s your biggest indulgence?
One peanut M&M and pink vodka cruisers.

8. What do you want to be remembered for?
The most famous most beautiful most talented woman that ever lived.

9. Any fictional character most like you?
Jesus Christ.

10. Who would play you in a movie of your life?
ME! Lindsay Lohan can be my body double.

Betty Grumble | Image by Dusk Devi Vision 2012 | All Rights Reserved
Betty could be talking to LiLo or Tony | image by Dusk Devi Vision
11. We all know you’re mega talented but what’s your HIDDEN talent?
Challenging the patriarch.

12. A dinner party of 8; you and…?
Tony Abbott, Parisite Kilton, Annie Sprinkle, Alan Jones, Vinnie Bradley, Tom Jones, Iris Mayhem

13. What’s your power colour?
Hot pink and hot green!

14. Swings or slides?
Reverse slides.

15. the creative masterpiece (book/film/song/painting/photograph/etc) you wish you had created?
The Bible.

16. if you led the country you would...?
Create history and free the people from the machine through the honorable worship of glitter and excellent dance moves.

17. Sex is….
Whatever you want it to be.


19. Women and Men are....
Responsible for their behavior.

20. how do you DESTROY THE JOINT?
By becoming the Joint.




Thursday, November 22, 2012

20 Questions With LULU

Sunday November 25th at The Standard (click above link for more details)

This fiery STAR DESTROYER is to burlesque what Madonna is to music and Meryl is to film... would not, could not, be the same without them. And all are still at the top of their respective genres. 

LULU is a veteran of the Aus burlesque world, having started her career back when burlesque was rearing its pretty head and now that burlesque has spread its wings... LULU continues to soar.  
She is most famous for her fan dancing and is considered one of Australia's best, but LULU is equally in demand for her other styles including her kick-ass "born to be wild" acts!
As strong as she is graceful, as feisty as she is elegant, LULU has many fans... ;) 

Lulu was born to drive you wild! | Image by Kellie Lafranchi Photography 

L U L U !

1. What’s your breakfast of champions?

Anything my man prepares/cooks for me.

2. Do you have a pre performance ritual?

3. What inspires you?                                                                                                          
Music and sunshine

4. What’s your last passport stamp?                                                                              

5. Time travel; where, when and why?                                                                                    
Hollywood, 1930's, the class and glamour

6. The book that shook you up was.                                                                                      
Uncle Tom's Cabin 

7. What’s your biggest indulgence?                                                                              

8. What do you want to be remembered for?                                                                          
Being me, not trying to be someone else

(...7 8 9 and 10... what can I say?  7 was hungry.  babbomtish. thankyervereemuch   ~ Dusk)

11. We all know you’re mega talented but what’s your HIDDEN talent?                          
Rollerskating backwards up hill

Lulu Burlesque dancer | All Rights Reserved | Dusk Devi Vision 2012
Lulu's fan-dancing is not a hidden talent | Image by Dusk Devi Vision
12. A dinner party of 8; you and…?                                                                                      
My Family

13. What’s your power colour?                                                                                            

14. Swings or slides?                                                                                                          

15. The creative masterpiece (book/film/song/painting/photograph/etc) you wish you had created?                                                                                                                              I would prefer to create my own

16. If you led the country you would...?                                                                                
Lead it into temptation

17. Sex is…fun

18. Equality means…we can stop fighting for it

19. Women and Men are...opposites.

20. How do you DESTROY THE JOINT?                                                                                  
With a sledge hammer or high pressure hose




Tuesday, November 20, 2012

20 Questions With VINNIE BRADLEY

Sunday November 25th at The Standard (click above link for more details)

The next performer in the 20 Questions: The Star Destroyer series is... not quite like an guy you've met. Not just because he is a "...LEGEND. Larrkin, King of the Boys Club, Jack of All Trades & HERO."  But because he is all the stereotypes you can think of and yet... NONE.  

VINNIE BRADLEY is one of a kind.  And he, along with Strongman Abaddon, is on the Destroyer stage to make a statement.  

huhhuh... laydees |  Image by

V I N N I E  B R A D L E Y  !

1. what’s your breakfast of champions?
Reading the morning trash news with a cheeky VB.

2. do you have a pre performance ritual?
Looking at myself in the mirror and giving me the thumbs up, that is, if there isn't too many laydee's around distracting me.

3. what inspires you?
All those tough blokes out there saying their piece and not apologising for it... yeah... 

4. what’s your last passport stamp?
Why leave the Lucky Country?

5. Time travel; where, when and why?
30 seconds in the future, to see the looks on their faces...

6. the book that shook you up was...?
The phone book. So many laydees!

7. what’s your biggest indulgence?
A big bloody slice of some dead animal with a side of pollution.

8. What do you want to be remembered for?
Being king of the boys club and just having a laugh.

9. Any fictional character most like you?
Jesus Christ

10. Who would play you in a movie of your life?
Probably Arm Pitt or Johnny's Depth.

11. We all know you’re mega talented but what’s your HIDDEN talent?
Folding paper cranes.

12. A dinner party of 8; you and…?
7 LUCKY LAYDEES or maybe 6 and another one of the fella's? Like Abbott? Reckon he could learn a thing or two from me.

13. What’s your power colour?

14. Swings or slides?

15. the creative masterpiece (book/film/song/painting/photograph/etc) you wish you had created?
The Bible

16. if you led the country you would...?
Close the borders, get em' out, silence the women, burn through resources... So yeah, continue the good work of the current government.

17. Sex is…MINE

18. Equality means…Equal amounts of beers in my belly every night.

19. Women and Men are....Up for it!

20. How do you DESTROY THE JOINT?
By becoming the Joint




Monday, November 19, 2012

20 Questions with Xaviere Van Camp

D E S T R O Y  T H E  J O I N T  B U R L E SQ U E !
Sunday November 25th at The Standard (click above link for more details)
As Winston Churchill once said; "...It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma; but perhaps there is a key....".
He was referring to the Russians and a machine but he might as well be talking about this lean, serene, pan-sex machine, XAVIERE VAN CAMP!

"... a curiosity that camply refuses to settle into the mould. King, Femme, Bi, Pan, Show stopper or the the mysterious somebody in the corner of the room.
You may never quite figure out the angle of the dangle. But you will never stop wanting to know more.."

Xaviere Van Camp
an enigma wrapped up in a Miss Tery.

X A V I E R E  V A N  C A M P  !

1. what’s your breakfast of champions?
Herbalife shake most days. But if the night before was raucous, then veggie hotdogs with avocado and onion!!!

2. do you have a pre performance ritual?  
NO alcohol before the show (made that mistake too many times). 
The hour right before showtime, I tend to go into the cone of silence. I stay in the 'Xaviere bubble' until the lights go up! So I apologise in advance if I'm not all a chatter before the show :)

3. what inspires you?
People who ask Why?
The notion of not giving into what's dictated, but rather finding out for yourself. And even when you think you 'know', push and keep pushing cause you never know how often your views and boundaries can change.
...and sometimes the best of life is over the the wall of comfort.

4. what’s your last passport stamp?
Tokyo, Japan.
A mad 6 days surrounding a show my lady and I did at Tokyo Decadence Party. Still remains one of my favourite places in the world.

5. Time travel; where, when and why?
Front row at the Freddie Mercury tribute concert for when Annie Lennox and David Bowie sang Under Pressure. Freddie, Annie and Bowie...HEAVEN on a stick!

6. the book that shook you up was...?
"Little Birds" by Anais Nin.
Found it accidentally when I was 10. As years went on, I understood more and more of it. I still have the same copy. Switches were turned on, that never went off and I'm forever grateful for finding erotic literature that early.

7. what’s your biggest indulgence?
Shopping (although my funds rarely allow it these days)!!
Whether it's for shows or personal...I can't stop imagining outfit combos. It's the photographer in me...I have visual references coming out the wazoo and I wanna frolic in them all!

8. What do you want to be remembered for?
For the people in my inner circle...unconditional love.
For the wider outreach...Unlocking the programming of how we 'should' live. Adding to the creation a world where people can be their full sexual selves (but I would just as happily do that anonymously, as the result is FAR more important to me than the recognition).

9. Any fictional character most like you?
As a kid I was called Punky Brewster cause of my hair and freckles. Safe to say, that ship has sailed, so I'm open for suggestions.

Punky has left the building...

"I think Xaviere looks like Starfire.  Actually... Xaviere IS Starfire."  ~ Dusk

10. Who would play you in a movie of your life?
No one. A book about my life would be much better!!! Then people can imagine the physic of whatever turns THEM on :)

11.  We all know you’re mega talented but what’s your HIDDEN talent?
(I wish I could call on a musical talent or party trick for moments like this). I can orgasm without using my hands (or anyone else's). A technique I discovered when I was busting for a wee in my Yr 11 Biology exam. True story.

12. A dinner party of 8; you and…?  
With oceans and busy lives separating some of favourite hearts, getting my nearest and dearest in the one room would be all I could ask for!!

13. What’s your power colour?
ALL of them! Surely it's the person in the colour that makes it powerful?!

14. Swings or slides?
Oh fark! Take me to a waterpark and I'm yours!

15. the creative masterpiece (book/film/song/painting/photograph/etc) you wish you had created?
I love creative masterpieces of others BECAUSE I didn't create them. I would never wish to have created them, because I love getting that keyhole experience into minds outside my own.
...and I only hope that my creatives give others the same surprising bliss!!! (but if I were to pick one for fun...'The Labyrinth'...because Bowie in tights and dancing muppets make me happy!)

16. if you led the country you would...?
Completely rewrite (and implement where it doesn't exist) a PROPER sexual education program for ALL children (even those who don't attend school.)

17. Sex is…an extension of conversation and vital to my sanity!

18. Equality means…the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow where we don't have to talk about equality. Because it is just IS!

19. Women and Men are....again...BOTH vital to my sanity.

20. How do you DESTROY THE JOINT?
Come to The Standard on Sunday 25th November and SEE! (another plug can't hurt right???!!!)




Sunday, November 18, 2012

20 Questions With DUSK DEVI

Okay, well... this is a bit wanky because I'm the one writing this blog and asking these questions!  But I chose these questions for a reason, as I think they say a lot about the people questioned.  So why should I be exempt right?

It's still wanky... but seeing as I run the Australian Burlesque Calendar and DESTROY THE JOINT is a collaboration between AusBurlCal and event producer Aloha Creative... I'm just going to flow with the go...

I am a photographer, journalist, social media manager and professional Jedi.  My lightsabre was made by Nikon and I'm also a dork.  A really good one.  Someone really needs to pay me for this.

Dusk Devi | Photographer/Journalist/Jedi | image by Dusk Devi Vision
self portrait of a dork
 1. what’s your breakfast of champions?
I have a whole pre breakfast ritual prior to eating a big breakfast.  I don't want to get in to it here because you don't have all day.  Hell I don't have all day.  Just all morning.

2. Do you have a pre performance ritual?
I'm a Flamenco dancer and my performance ritual is to forget everything I know and freak out without letting it show. I forget my steps, my footwork, castanets, what my hands are supposed to be doing, etc and I seriously freak out and maybe vomit in my mouth a little.

This then gets my adrenalin going, which then ensures I have absolute clarity when I go on stage and am suitably powerful with perfect performer face.  Works wonderfully.  And no one knows. Except you but you'll keep my secret and please don't come and watch me perform.  Ever.

3. What inspires you?
What doesn't?  

4. what’s your last passport stamp?
Malaysia.  Drove all over the country, north to south.  Their highways are car-mazing!

5. Time travel; where, when and why?
Many moments in time.  Past and future. 
I want to watch Beethoven compose his Ninth Symphony. 
I want to go back and deliver that killer comeback to that vaintard at the gym.  
I want to see where we are 500 years from now.  And I really hope we're alive and flourishing and wearing Jean-Paul Gaultier's costumes from 'Fifth Element'. 

6. The book that shook you up was...?
Nancy Drew '99 Steps' when I was about 7... all that magic of alchemy mixed with girl detective stuff!  She was brilliant.  Plus she was the only female I have ever heard being described as Titian haired.  Titian himself woudn't have described his models as such. 

Nancy Drew was just... awesome.  I have such a crush on Titian haired, brilliant women with powers of deduction and who can also dance.  Sadly these Goddesses are rarities. 

Then later on in my teens, 'Cosmos' and 'Contact' by Carl Sagan. 
And then later on again...'Female Eunuch' by Germaine Greer.  Any book by Nancy Friday.
'Power of One' by Bryce Courtenay.  'Kite Runner' by  Khaled Hosseini.

Oh dear god I can't stop.

7.what’s your biggest indulgence?
Answering my own questions.

8.What do you want to be remembered for?
My fearlessness.  My empathy.  My Wonder Woman collection.  My ability to see inside people.  Through my photographs as well.  

9. Any fictional character most like you?
Dude.  Of course I'm going to say Lara Croft!  But that's because I want to be like her!!  BE her.  I'm about, hmmm, 1/1000th of the way there.

10.Who would play you in a movie of your life?
Christian Bale because I'm Batman. 
...and then I would totally have to play with myself... I mean, just look at me!

11.We all know you’re mega talented but what’s your HIDDEN talent?
Hmm... well... firstly, thank you Dusk for calling me mega talented.
(You're welcome Dusk)
...and secondly... well, it's not hidden from my family but... I do a mean Daffy Duck impression. My family still thinks this talent is hidden but what do they know.

12. A dinner party of 8; you and…?
witty, brilliant people.  Because I love a boisterous dinner party! So my husband... and 6 others.  Wow. Hard to choose.  I really don't know... because what comes to mind are my witty children and family and friends!  They would be my first choice, Always.

Celebrity wise, joining my husband and I... Graham Norton. Geena Davis. Carl Sagan. Ellen Degeneres. John Nettles. Dorothy Parker.
I'm quite happy to be the less witty and less brilliant of the lot!  Or witty and brilliant by association!

13. What’s your power colour?
Today?  Orange.

14. Swings or slides?
Hmmm... I can't answer my own question! 
Swings allow you to think.  Slides allow you to control your destiny.  Both are fun! Wheeeee!

15.the creative masterpiece you wish you had created?
Dammit, I wish I had created Lord Of The Rings, because then I would have created Quenya
Oh and 'The Matrix'. 
...and although I have said I wish I created 'Star Wars'... I mean the 2nd trilogy because these 3 prequels were utter shit and really, anyone could have done a better job....
The first trilogy was -IS- magic.

16. if you led the country you would...?
Make batteries and tampons free.  Scrap tolls. 
'Let' people marry anyone they wish because that's not my right to decide really.
Make cops, parents and teenagers undergo intense psychological tests before being handed a gun/baby/car.  Or car/gun/baby.
Ban bigotry and the 'colour' grey.
Make the use of "your" in place of "you're" punishable by death.  Kidding.  Sort of.

17.Sex is…
what powers us.  It is essential. It is our essence.  It is the 'big bang' of the YOUniverse. And it keeps us 'juicy'.

18.Equality means…
we have fulfilled our potential. 

19. Women and Men are...
2 halves of the same whole. Shakti

20. How do you DESTROY THE JOINT?
 By being me.  

