Tuesday, November 13, 2012

20 Questions with Sheena Miss Demeanour

Our next burlesque STAR DESTROYER in  20 Questions: The Star Destroyer Series, really needs no introduction... If you don't know SHEENA MISS DEMEANOUR, well then, you don't know burlesque.

Good things come in small packages and this package packs a punch! 
She is "a pint sized tapper, a ballerina stripteaser and a Polerina" as well as a choreographer and teacher. 
Sheena's comedic flair, elegance, brilliance, sassiness and HOTness make her Sheena, Queen of The Stage.

Sheena Miss Demeanour at Australian Burlesque Festival 2012 | image by Dusk Devi Vision | www.duskdevi.com
You can never get enough of Sheena...
@ Australian Burlesque Festival 2012 | image by Dusk Devi Vision

S H E E N A  M I S S D E M E A N O U R

1. What’s your breakfast of champions?
Cup of tea and avocado on toast

2. Do you have a pre performance ritual?

3. What inspires you?
Many things, my emotions mainly

4. What’s your last passport stamp?

5. Time travel; where, when and why?
1800s or 1930s - 1800s for the innocence of the world and 1930s to be surrounded in all things art deco and Belle Epoque

6. The book that shook you up was...?
The Forty Rules of Love - Elif Shafak

7. What’s your biggest indulgence?
Sleeping in

8. What do you want to be remembered for?
Being an awesome entertainer and bringing love and light into peoples lives.  I would also like to be remembered as a good friend.

9. Any fictional character most like you?
Catwoman or Jeannie :-)

Purrfect character for Sheena.
Image from Sheena's Facebook page (link below) | image by Dely Carr.

10. Who would play you in a movie of your life?

11. We all know you’re mega talented but what’s your HIDDEN talent?
I am an amazing cook.

12. A dinner party of 8; you and...
You want me to name 8 people???  No idea, other than the love of my life and people that make both of us happy and who challenge our thoughts and ideas.

13. What’s your power colour?

14. Swings or slides

15. the creative masterpiece (book/film/song/painting/photograph/etc) you wish you had created? 
Gangnam Style

16. If you led the country you would
Provide superannuation for strippers

17. Sex is.... essential.

18. Equality means.... no hypocrisy or double standards.

19. Women and Men.... are bound to disagree.

20. How do you DESTROY THE JOINT?
Throw my bra at peoples  iPhones.




Image courtesy of DsVision.net

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