Sunday November 25th at The Standard (click above link for more details)
Now THIS STAR DESTROYER is, without a shadow of a doubt... most unique. Ladies and gentleman and everyone beyond, between and below... I give you, the one, the only, oh grrrrl is she the only... BETTY GRUMBLE!!!
"Betty is a Sydney-based former child pageant star, beauty queen and burlesque heroine and is, in all her camp ironic splendour, setting her sights on world domination."
To watch Betty perform is to see the world through the eyes of a feminist performance artist... an artist who uses her formidable brain, her powerful body and her high priestess soul to drive a change. BETTY GRUMBLE is her gift to you.
B E T T Y G R U M B L E ! !
1. what’s your breakfast of champions?
Well I CAN’T hardly eat anything if I’m going to be a supermodel? Glitter flakes?
2. Do you have a pre performance ritual?
Looking at myself in the mirror and blowing kisses, that is, if I’m not being bombarded by the fans and paparazzo!
3. What inspires you?
I’m going to have to say the obvious answer and that is obviously myself.
I am a constant source of inspiration but I also get influence from the bourgeois masses and horror of mainstream culture. Ha Ha! Parasite Kilton is always on trend.
4. what’s your last passport stamp?
London, where I met the queen and started my whirlwind UK tour!
5. Time travel; where, when and why?
30seconds into the future so I can see how hot I look.
6. the book that shook you up was...?
The Bible.
7. what’s your biggest indulgence?
One peanut M&M and pink vodka cruisers.
8. What do you want to be remembered for?
The most famous most beautiful most talented woman that ever lived.
9. Any fictional character most like you?
Jesus Christ.
10. Who would play you in a movie of your life?
ME! Lindsay Lohan can be my body double.
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Betty could be talking to LiLo or Tony | image by Dusk Devi Vision |
Challenging the patriarch.
12. A dinner party of 8; you and…?
Tony Abbott, Parisite Kilton, Annie Sprinkle, Alan Jones, Vinnie Bradley, Tom Jones, Iris Mayhem
13. What’s your power colour?
Hot pink and hot green!
14. Swings or slides?
Reverse slides.
15. the creative masterpiece (book/film/song/painting/photograph/etc) you wish you had created?
The Bible.
16. if you led the country you would...?
Create history and free the people from the machine through the honorable worship of glitter and excellent dance moves.
17. Sex is….
Whatever you want it to be.
19. Women and Men are....
Responsible for their behavior.
20. how do you DESTROY THE JOINT?
By becoming the Joint.
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