It's still wanky... but seeing as I run the Australian Burlesque Calendar and DESTROY THE JOINT is a collaboration between AusBurlCal and event producer Aloha Creative... I'm just going to flow with the go...
I am a photographer, journalist, social media manager and professional Jedi. My lightsabre was made by Nikon and I'm also a dork. A really good one. Someone really needs to pay me for this.
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self portrait of a dork |
I have a whole pre breakfast ritual prior to eating a big breakfast. I don't want to get in to it here because you don't have all day. Hell I don't have all day. Just all morning.
2. Do you have a pre performance ritual?
I'm a Flamenco dancer and my performance ritual is to forget everything I know and freak out without letting it show. I forget my steps, my footwork, castanets, what my hands are supposed to be doing, etc and I seriously freak out and maybe vomit in my mouth a little.
This then gets my adrenalin going, which then ensures I have absolute clarity when I go on stage and am suitably powerful with perfect performer face. Works wonderfully. And no one knows. Except you but you'll keep my secret and please don't come and watch me perform. Ever.
3. What inspires you?
What doesn't?
4. what’s your last passport stamp?
Malaysia. Drove all over the country, north to south. Their highways are car-mazing!
5. Time travel; where, when and why?
Many moments in time. Past and future.
I want to watch Beethoven compose his Ninth Symphony.
I want to go back and deliver that killer comeback to that vaintard at the gym.
I want to see where we are 500 years from now. And I really hope we're alive and flourishing and wearing Jean-Paul Gaultier's costumes from 'Fifth Element'.
6. The book that shook you up was...?
Nancy Drew '99 Steps' when I was about 7... all that magic of alchemy mixed with girl detective stuff! She was brilliant. Plus she was the only female I have ever heard being described as Titian haired. Titian himself woudn't have described his models as such.
Nancy Drew was just... awesome. I have such a crush on Titian haired, brilliant women with powers of deduction and who can also dance. Sadly these Goddesses are rarities.
Then later on in my teens, 'Cosmos' and 'Contact' by Carl Sagan.
And then later on again...'Female Eunuch' by Germaine Greer. Any book by Nancy Friday.
'Power of One' by Bryce Courtenay. 'Kite Runner' by Khaled Hosseini.
Oh dear god I can't stop.
7.what’s your biggest indulgence?
Answering my own questions.
8.What do you want to be remembered for?
My fearlessness. My empathy. My Wonder Woman collection. My ability to see inside people. Through my photographs as well.
9. Any fictional character most like you?
Dude. Of course I'm going to say Lara Croft! But that's because I want to be like her!! BE her. I'm about, hmmm, 1/1000th of the way there.
10.Who would play you in a movie of your life?
Christian Bale because I'm Batman.
...and then I would totally have to play with myself... I mean, just look at me!
11.We all know you’re mega talented but what’s your HIDDEN talent?
Hmm... well... firstly, thank you Dusk for calling me mega talented.
(You're welcome Dusk)
...and secondly... well, it's not hidden from my family but... I do a mean Daffy Duck impression. My family still thinks this talent is hidden but what do they know.
12. A dinner party of 8; you and…?
witty, brilliant people. Because I love a boisterous dinner party! So my husband... and 6 others. Wow. Hard to choose. I really don't know... because what comes to mind are my witty children and family and friends! They would be my first choice, Always.
Celebrity wise, joining my husband and I... Graham Norton. Geena Davis. Carl Sagan. Ellen Degeneres. John Nettles. Dorothy Parker.
I'm quite happy to be the less witty and less brilliant of the lot! Or witty and brilliant by association!
witty, brilliant people. Because I love a boisterous dinner party! So my husband... and 6 others. Wow. Hard to choose. I really don't know... because what comes to mind are my witty children and family and friends! They would be my first choice, Always.
Celebrity wise, joining my husband and I... Graham Norton. Geena Davis. Carl Sagan. Ellen Degeneres. John Nettles. Dorothy Parker.
I'm quite happy to be the less witty and less brilliant of the lot! Or witty and brilliant by association!
13. What’s your power colour?
Today? Orange.
14. Swings or slides?
Hmmm... I can't answer my own question!
Swings allow you to think. Slides allow you to control your destiny. Both are fun! Wheeeee!
15.the creative masterpiece you wish you had created?
Dammit, I wish I had created Lord Of The Rings, because then I would have created Quenya.
Oh and 'The Matrix'.
...and although I have said I wish I created 'Star Wars'... I mean the 2nd trilogy because these 3 prequels were utter shit and really, anyone could have done a better job....
The first trilogy was -IS- magic.
16. if you led the country you would...?
Make batteries and tampons free. Scrap tolls.
'Let' people marry anyone they wish because that's not my right to decide really.
Make cops, parents and teenagers undergo intense psychological tests before being handed a gun/baby/car. Or car/gun/baby.
Ban bigotry and the 'colour' grey.
Make the use of "your" in place of "you're" punishable by death. Kidding. Sort of.
'Let' people marry anyone they wish because that's not my right to decide really.
Make cops, parents and teenagers undergo intense psychological tests before being handed a gun/baby/car. Or car/gun/baby.
Ban bigotry and the 'colour' grey.
Make the use of "your" in place of "you're" punishable by death. Kidding. Sort of.
17.Sex is…
what powers us. It is essential. It is our essence. It is the 'big bang' of the YOUniverse. And it keeps us 'juicy'.
18.Equality means…
we have fulfilled our potential.
19. Women and Men are...
2 halves of the same whole. Shakti.
20. How do you DESTROY THE JOINT?
By being me.
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