Wednesday, November 14, 2012

20 Questions with Lady Bird Blue

D E S T R O Y  T H E  J O I N T  B U R L E SQ U E !
Sunday November 25th at The Standard (click above link for more details)

The next burlesque STAR DESTROYER in  20 Questions: The Star Destroyer Series, is Melbourne based beauty LADY BIRD BLUE.

This stunning, multi-talented woman is an artist, Seamstress, MC, Burlesque performer and "general all rounder for your entertainment.  In no particular order." 
Alas, Lady Bird Blue is retiring soon to focus on her business and family.  We are honoured to be the stage for her last performance before she flies away...

Lady Bird Blue by Matchless Snapshots

L A D Y  B I R D  B L U E !

1. what’s your breakfast of champions?
poached eggs, kale, mushroom, goats, cheese, avocado on sourdough.

2. do you have a pre performance ritual?
Say thanks to the universe

3. what inspires you?
Dark and light

4. what’s your last passport stamp?

5. Time travel; where, when and why?
It's a good idea in theroy but at the moment time travel doesn't really interest me.

6. the book that shook you up was...?
'Room' by Emma Donoghue

7. what’s your biggest indulgence?
Coffee and fabrics

8. What do you want to be remembered for?
How can one answer that you wont know 'til you are not here... then what?

9. Any fictional character most like you?
No idea

10. Who would play you in a movie of your life?
My sister

Lady Bird Blue by Matchless Snapshots

11. We all know you’re mega talented but what’s your HIDDEN talent?
Well if I tell you it wouldn't be hidden would it?

12. A dinner party of 8; you and…?
My sistas' and siblings

13. What’s your power colour?
Gold and blue

14. Swings or slides?
ummmm both?

15.  the creative masterpiece (book/film/song/painting/photograph/etc) you wish you had created?
My wedding dress.

16.  if you led the country you would...?
Make people grow their own food.

17.  Sex is…fucking awesome

18. Equality means…nothing if we dont practice it.

19. Women and Men are....always going to be different but thats what makes it interesting

20. How do you DESTROY THE JOINT?
By purely existing.



Lady Bird Blue Facebook Page

Lady Bird Blue's custom designs Facebook Page


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