Thursday, August 16, 2012

Review: I'll Break My Own Heart

[Thursday May 10th | Slide]

image copyright Dusk Devi Vision |

"The hit of the 2011 Sydney Fringe Festival and the Tasmanian Theatre Company's 2012 season..."

Rose Grayson is a genius.  If you were lucky enough to view this most spectacular production, you would understand why that may be all that needs to be said.  But...that's not how reviews work. 

"...dark, raw and delicious entertainment delivered with a big dose of black humour and heart."

'I'll Break My Own Heart' is luxurious dark chocolate with a welcome taste of sweet bitterness, flavoured with the raw zest of sea salt, the fiery bite of chilli and the nutty sweetness of almonds! 

The breaker of her own heart is an accomplished and renowned singer, songwriter and actor and she delivers a no holds barred performance in this "electrifying tour de force".  It takes guts to be this open, this honest, this vulnerable, this raw crazy! On stage, all alone, all eyes on you... and it takes a special kind of talent and that indefinable 'it' factor that ensures all eyes stay on you, even when you're resting in between characters. 

And oh! What characters!  With a simple flourish of a scarf or wearing of a robe or donning of a tophat, an intriguing new persona (person?) sits on that stage but they all have one thing in common... Rose's Grayson's undeniable magnetism.

Rose uses the songs of Nick Cave, Neil Hannon, Dr. John and Tom Waits (and others) to tell the story of the crazy course of love.  Her singing and speaking voices are velvet rich and a hook.  The audience hangs on every word

'Everybody's Fucking But Me'... when she sings this, despite the incredulity ("who could resist her?" one audience member was heard to say) , there is credibility and camaraderie.  And humour!
Human vulnerability is a sensitive topic and most people have felt the pain, if not of a broken heart, then of a heavy heart. This is not a subject to be laughed at but laughter, surely, is a broken heart's best medicine. 

Supported by respected music director and pianist, Peter Dasent  and directed by Andrew Kotatko, "I'll Break My Own Heart" is cabaret at its finest and true to form.  It's pure entertainment that is joyous, touching, raucous, sensitive, endearing, sensual, hilarious and just beautiful.

Australian Burlesque Calendar rating:

 "I'll Break My Own Heart" will break yours if you don't see it the next time Rose Grayson explodes on a stage near you.

Website: Rose Grayson

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